

What does your 2SLGBTQ+ identity mean to you? 


For me, as a lesbian, my identity is a source of pride and strength. It means being able to love and be loved by someone of the same gender without shame or hesitation, as well as challenging heteronormative expectations and stereotypes that limit the way we express ourselves and form relationships.

What makes you feel empowered in your identity?

By being part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I feel empowered to stand up for myself and others, to advocate for equality and acceptance, and to live my life authentically and without compromise.

What is one (or more) of your favorite things about yourself? 


I love that I own a business that promotes equality and welcomes everyone.

What is your favorite part about the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Oklahoma? What would you like to see more of?

My favorite part would have to be pride month! One of my favorite things to do is attend music festivals and I find that pride month feels like you're living every day at a festival. There's so much happiness and color around. I would love to see more busineses show their support of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by openly advocating all year long.