

What does your 2SLGBTQ+ identity mean to you?


One utility of identity is having a way of seeing and interacting with one’s surroundings. For me, being transgender is a reminder of my own self agency. I heard someone say when I was still very young and curious about transitioning that “this is not a choice, it’s a choice whether or not you act on it,” and I really took those words to heart. I’m a butch lesbian and that’s a highly political identity for me. It informs more than how I see and act upon myself. I feel a great deal of responsibility to treat women and all people well.

What makes you feel empowered in your identity?

There’s a popular theory of gender as something that you *do* rather than something that you are which I am really into. I affirm my identity with hormone replacement therapy and presentation but also by acting and learning. Personal growth is what makes me feel most authentic in my transition.

What is one (or more) of your favorite things about yourself? 


I love being a dyke! I love my strong arms and legs and my deep voice and body hair. I love being there for my friends and my community. I love my eagerness to learn and my ability to listen.

What is your favorite part about the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Oklahoma? What would you like to see more of?

I love queer joy in the face of adversity. I love our resilience and our commitment to not just survival but to life. I would love to see more networking between each other. I want to see queer grocery shares, book clubs, and gatherings. I want us to be able to turn to each other when we need help.